In most of my articles to date I have referred to how lazy
we humans are. To prove my theory I
decided to conduct a little experiment. You have just participated. Many
Put your hand up if you read this blog regularly. Ok
good. Now put your hand up if you were referred
to this blog by someone who has read it before.
Excellent! Now... Put your hand up and leave it up, if you are only reading
this article because your looking for the quickest and easiest way possible to get fit. Come
on... Be honest...
I would like to thank all of those in the room with their hands up for
proving my point.
Every day, through magazine covers, demtel ads, twitter status',
newspaper advertising, spam emails etc etc, I get bombarded with such ludicrous
claims as "rock hard abber dabbers in 3 minutes a day" or "turn
into a Trojan warrior with this 4 week program" or "get the body
you've always dreamed in 3 days." and when I read this crap, 3 things
happen, first, uncontrollable laughter, second, I think, surely no one is stupid
enough to part with $9.50 to read that shit and third, I get angry, that obviously we are so lazy , we will
believe anything put in front of us in the hope of a quick fix and do indeed
part with our $9.50 and make some bastard rich who is probably sitting there
laughing at the fact that the dribble he just came up with while on a 3 day bender is paying for his drug
Get serious people! Your killing me!
Common sense would suggest that it is not possible to
achieve such lofty heights in such little time following such stupid routines,
diets and dodgy exercises. The
unfortunate thing about common sense is, it's not that common.
Nothing in life worth having is ever achieved without hard
This is especially true of the human body. It is a smart
sophisticated machine. Despite this,
visible and noticeable change does not and will not occur overnight or a week
or sometimes even a month. It has to be
worked for. Just like how most of us
have to work for our money, except for most fitness magazine editors that is,
who know that whatever complete bullshit they print will be eaten up by us
because we want to believe there is an easy way out.
Ok... breath Cameron....
To prove my results I am going to use the analytics of this
site. So far the FURY is averaging just
over 200 hits per article. The hit rate
has been increasing by about 27% each time.
If this article increases those numbers significantly, let's say, 350 hits or over a 50% increase on
Thank you for your participation.
I will give the results in 7days.
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