Tuesday, March 20, 2012


In most of my articles to date I have referred to how lazy we humans are.  To prove my theory I decided to conduct a little experiment. You have just participated. Many thanks!

Put your hand up if you read this blog regularly. Ok good.  Now put your hand up if you were referred to this blog by someone who has read it before.  Excellent! Now... Put your hand up and leave it up, if you are only reading this article because your looking for the quickest and easiest way possible to get fit.  Come on... Be honest...

I would like to thank all of  those in the room with their hands up for proving my point.

Every day, through  magazine covers, demtel ads, twitter status', newspaper advertising, spam emails etc etc, I get bombarded with such ludicrous claims as "rock hard abber dabbers in 3 minutes a day" or "turn into a Trojan warrior with this 4 week program" or "get the body you've always dreamed in 3 days." and when I read this crap, 3 things happen, first, uncontrollable laughter, second, I think, surely no one is stupid enough to part with $9.50 to read that shit and third, I get angry,  that obviously we are so lazy , we will believe anything put in front of us in the hope of a quick fix and do indeed part with our $9.50 and make some bastard rich who is probably sitting there laughing at the fact that the dribble he just came up with while  on a 3 day bender is paying for his drug habit!

Get serious people! Your killing me!

Common sense would suggest that it is not possible to achieve such lofty heights in such little time following such stupid routines, diets and dodgy exercises.  The unfortunate thing about common sense is, it's not that common.

Nothing in life worth having is ever achieved without hard work!

This is especially true of the human body. It is a smart sophisticated machine.  Despite this, visible and noticeable change does not and will not occur overnight or a week or sometimes even a month.  It has to be worked for.  Just like how most of us have to work for our money, except for most fitness magazine editors that is, who know that whatever complete bullshit they print will be eaten up by us because we want to believe there is an easy way out.

Ok... breath Cameron....

To prove my results I am going to use the analytics of this site.  So far the FURY is averaging just over 200 hits per article.  The hit rate has been increasing by about 27% each time.  If this article increases those numbers significantly,  let's say, 350 hits or over a 50% increase on last one, IM CALLING LAZY HUMANS!!

Thank you for your participation.

I will give the results in 7days.


Saturday, March 10, 2012


Coca-Cola, VB, Bundaberg, Carlton Draught, Cadbury, Hungry Jacks, KFC, FourN20 pies, Villis, Mother, Keno, TAB Sportsbet, Milo, betfair. What have I just listed? The ingredients of a bloody good time? Maybe.

 What if I said that all these companies were listed as major sponsors of 3 of Australia's most  popular sports, NRL, AFL and Cricket Australia? (I couldn't find info on sponsors of Rugby and Soccer. Great promotion by them, not.)

We as a nation are currently in a situation where Australia has become the fattest country in the world per capita, Cardiovascular disease is fast becoming our biggest killer, child obesity is rampant, we are in the midst of major political debate over problem gambling and alcohol use and abuse amongst teens is ever increasing. Surely allowing these companies to flaunt their wares in such an exposed forum as sport is a major issue that needs addressing. 

I am actually torn on this subject, much to my own surprise.  As a result, this article is more a discussion then a rant.  There a few different angles to this issue, all of which have merit.  Lets discuss them, analyse them and formulate a plan moving forward to help solve the problem.

On the face of it, fast food, alcohol and gambling sponsorship and advertising in sport appears wrong.  The same way tobacco advertising is banned, don't these categories fit the same bill?

Our nation is obsessed with sport, so by sponsoring a major sport, companies get access to everyone, from little kids to the elderly, a complete blanket coverage of the entire population which is why it makes sense for them to invest the amounts they do into their sponsorship deals.

 What hope have we got of convincing our kids to eat the veggies we put in front of them, when for a whole summer they have been able to watch their cricketing heroes chowing down on some KFC at every single TV ad break?

 How can we have major political debate over problem pokie players but allow bookmakers to update odds and promote gambling at every break in play?

 Why does sport, as a whole, which promotes a healthy lifestyle and the benefits of being active, allow their product to be aligned with companies and products that promote the exact opposite?

 Why have they sold out?

The answer to all these questions is the same and it is the reason I am yet to form a definitive opinion on this topic.  That answer is MONEY.

Sport has indeed sold out and here's why.  Every single junior and most senior level clubs of any sport around the country is struggling for cash! Without cash, sporting clubs would cease to exist. Simple.

 I have been involved in sporting clubs my whole life, mostly through Rugby League as both a child and a adult, mostly as a player but more recently as a coach and administrator.  Money is where it's at!  Running a sport is very expensive, running a club is very expensive.  To be competitive and successful, you need the best coaches, the best players and the latest equipment and it all costs.  To pay for this you need sponsors and in today's economic climate, good sponsors are as rare as gold.

So what do we do?

 Do we outlaw fast food, gambling and alcohol sponsorship in sport to stop the  unadulterated promotion of the very things that are destroying society?

Or do we leave things as they are to avoid the risk of losing the money which enables us all to participate in the sports we love, keep active and be healthy?

I don't know. Maybe there is another option.

While researching for this article, I found that Netball, Swimming Australia and Athletics Australia have no listed sponsors that fit into the fast food, alcohol or gaming category.  Now wether this is by design or circumstance, I am not sure. These sports don't attract the same attention so maybe they don't attract the same sponsorship dollars.  But it still proves that sports can be run without "dirty money".

Surely there are more banks, mining companies or telco's that would gladly part with their coin for the kind of exposure the NRL, AFL and Cricket offer. Not that banks or phone companies are much better.  Why any sport would want to associate with Vodafone has got me stuffed. Their service is that bad I'm surprised their TV ads don't cut out half way through.

The fact is though, I'd rather my kids be brainwashed into getting bad phone reception then trying to win a year's supply of KFC watching Mike Hussey take a classic catch.

Your thoughts?


Friday, March 2, 2012


To whom it may concern,

I write this letter to you in humble apology.  To all my clients, to all my readers and to anyone else I have mislead by talking about hard work and healthy eating to lose body fat, I am sorry. I am man enough to admit when I make a mistake and clearly I have.  I am wrong.

Today I discovered that my years of experience in the health and fitness industry and the countless pursuits of further education I have undertaken to further understand how the human body works, count for nothing and in fact have only served to enable lies, misrepresentation and provide false hope to many of you.

As it turns out:

·         You do not need a specific exercise program or a healthy diet to lose body fat.

·         You can spot reduce fat.

·         You do not need to burn more energy then you consume daily to lose body fat.

·         High Intensity interval training is not the best way to increase your BMR, thus burning more calories at rest.

·         You do not need to work on increasing your % of muscle mass to increase your metabolism.

·         You don't need 20-45mins of exercise 4-5 times a week.

·         Doing multiple Abdominal crunch type exercises does not lead to postural muscle imbalances.

·         Isolating muscles is the best way to increase their strength and range of motion.

·         Machine based exercises are functional and do not inhibit correct muscle function in any way.

Don't worry, I am as disappointed in myself as you guys are in me. I have let down you. I've let down my family.  Worst of all I have let down myself. 

To think of the tens of thousands of dollars I have spent, 1st becoming qualified and then opening my own gym and filling it with the latest equipment makes me sick.  There are people living on freeways in Bangladesh that could have used that money for good as opposed to the evil that I have perpetrated on you people.

But what's done is done. I want to move forward.  As a show of my contrition I want to offer an olive branch.  I little gesture to say "I'm Sorry". 

Here goes:  All you need to lose body fat, get healthy and live a long and prosperous life is...............................................................................................................................................................

$288 and 3 minutes a day.

I hope you can forgive me.

I want to reserve a special apology for the 3 couples that attempted to buy this life changing product at BIG W, Erina today, only for me to selfishly yell, "Don't buy it! Stop being so f*ing lazy!."

I stomped on your dreams and I am truly, truly sorry.


Fit Man without a clue apparently.
